Laleh - Hide away

marți, 23 martie 2010




pana maine mai e doar un an,
iar pana ieri, mai e doar o floare.
pana-n vara-i primavara,
pana-n iarna-i soare.
intre mine si tine,
e doar un ocean,
iar intre ocean si cer,
e un avion, de fier,
cu care incerc sa te ajung,
dar fierul ma-ndeamna spre apa,
ma scufund.
intre mine si moarte,
mai e doar un metru...
intre univers si sange,
suntem noi...

See more at http://namtigari.blogspot.com/


It’s cold…

joi, 11 martie 2010

100_6887 Martie 2010 in Bucuresti…


Gregorian – Voyage. voyage

miercuri, 10 martie 2010


Imi era dor de piesa asta…Enjoy it!!

Au dessus des vieux volcans,
Glisse des ailes sous les tapis du vent,
Voyage, voyage,
De nuages en marécages,
De vent d'Espagne en pluie d'équateur,
Voyage, voyage,
Vole dans les hauteurs
Au dessus des capitales,
Des idées fatales
Regardent l'océan...

Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient.

Sur le Gange ou l'Amazone,
Chez les blacks, chez les sikhs, chez les jaunes,
Voyage, voyage
Dans tout le royaume.
Sur les dunes du Sahara,
Des iles Fidji au Fujiyama,
Voyage, voyage,
Ne t'arrêtes pas.
Au dessus des barbelés,
Des coeurs bombardés
Regardent l'océan.

Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient.
Au dessus des capitales,
Des idées fatales
Regardent l'océan.
Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient.


Fericirea este…

marți, 9 februarie 2010

Putem numara stele de pe cer din nebunie ori din plictiseala. Uneori din ambele motive.
Insa de cele mai multe ori uitam sa ne numaram si pe noi… singura stea… singura planeta, singurul soare care conteaza !… Privim Universul cu o ciudata neincredere, de parca nu
am putea concepe ca mai exista si alte lumi, si alte realitati, si alte locuri in care alte forme de oameni iubesc, urasc, ucid, traiesc… Astfel ca, realitatea ne izbeste necontenit
cu partea ei ascunsa in umbra: Ceea ce nu vedem ne vede. Ceea ce nu simtim ne simte.
Ceea ce nu ne lipseste ne apartine. Treptat, insa, lucruri pe care nu le vedem devin vizibile iar lucrurilor pe care suntem obisnuiti sa le avem incepem sa le simtim lipsa. Natura noastra ne spune ca omul este un sistem dinamic in care o infinitate de lucruri pe care le avem face schimb de materie si spirit cu o infintate de lucruri pe care nu le avem. Atat timp cat va exista un echilibru in acest sistem va exista si armonie. Insa omul este o fiinta haotica ce va tinde sa-si asume rolul cunoasterii si va claca in fata noilor infinituri de necunoastere pe care le va intrezari. Omul nu a fost creat pentru a fi fericit ci pentru a oscila intre nebunia descoperirii si plictisela de armonie. Fericirea este doar momeala ce-l va tine in cursa, pana la sfarsit…


Lucruri misto de facut in lift

- sa faci zgomote de masini de formula 1 cand cineva intra sau iese
- sa-ti sufli nasul si sa-i intrebi pe ceilalti daca vor sa vada
- sa vinzi produse Oriflame
- sa iti deschizi geanta, sa bagi capul inauntru si sa zici "ai destul aer acolo inauntru?"
- sa dai fiecarui om care intra in lift cate un ecuson cu nume si sa-l porti pe al tau invers
- sa stai la colt cu fata la perete fara sa spui nimic si fara sa te dai jos
- sa fixezi un alt pasager si dupa vreo zece etaje sa-i zici "azi am ciorapi noi"
- dupa ce liftul s-a umplut, sa zici "la naiba, imi vine sa vomit!"
- sa citesti cu voce tare pasaje religioase
- sa faci pariuri cu ceilalti pasageri ca poti sa-ti bagi monede in nas
- sa arati celorlalti pasageri o rana si sa intrebi "dvs. vi se pare infectata?"
- sa tii in mana o lada frigorifica pe care scrie "organe umane"
- sa fixezi un alt pasager, dupa care sa-i zici "esti unul dintre ei!"
- sa ragai si apoi sa zici "mmm...delicios!"
- sa intrebi fiecare pasager care urca daca poti sa apesi butonul in locul lor
- sa porti o papusa pe mana prin care sa comunici cu ceilalti pasageri
- sa faci "ding" la fiecare etaj
- sa te sprijini de butoane
- sa apesi pe toate butoanele spunand "oare asta ce face?"
- sa asculti peretii liftului cu un stetoscop
- sa desenezi un patrat pe jos si sa-i anunti pe celalalti ca acela este spatiul tau personal
- sa iei cu tine un scaun
- sa faci baloane de saliva
- sa iti scoti guma din gura si sa incepi s-o lungesti
- sa faci sunete de explozie de fiecare data cand cineva apasa un buton
- sa te holbezi la degetul mic si sa zici "cred ca se mareste"
- sa dansezi pe muzica din lift
- sa inventezi o limba noua si sa fii insistent in a pune intrebari lumii
- sa te uiti la tavan si sa zici "se pare ca va fi luna plina azi"



Trei femei, un tip. Trei relatii esuate. O fetita de 11 ani care incearca sa rezolve problemele amoroase ale tatalui ei.
Cam asa se poate rezuma acest film in cateva cuvinte. Will (Ryan Reynolds) divorteaza de sotia sa, mama fetei. Fetita, Maya (Abigail Breslin), vrea sa afle tot despre trecutul amoros al tatalui sau. Trei femei au avut o importanta deosebita in viata lui Will, iar la insistentele fetei decide sa ii povesteasca despre ele, fara sa ii spuna care dintre cele trei e mama sa. Ne este prezentata o povestire “in rama” cu trecutul lui Will, un trecut presarat de intamplari mai mult sau mai putin norocoase, in final neramanand nici cu tipa pe care chiar o iubea (nu e vorba de mama fetei). Revenind in prezent, Maya, cu inocenta specifica unui copil de 11 ani si, totusi, hotarare demna de un adult, insista ca tatal sau sa isi mai acorde o ultima sansa cu respectiva fata.
Mai departe e randul vostru sa urmariti filmul si sa aflati cum se aranjeaza lucrurile :)




The nothing song


        Sigur ros - The nothing song [Vanilla sky soundtrack]


Un film cu adevărat profund... unul dintre cele mai bune filme americane făcute vreodată... Nu sunt o mare fană a lui Tom Cruise dar a jucat uimitor rolul sau, fiind completat din afară de Penelope și Cameron...
Acest film nu poate să-ți schimbe viața, dar cu puterea sa misterioasă îți va putea schimba unghiul din care vezi viața, lărgindu-ți perspectivele în căi pe care nu le credeai posibile...Look closer and you'll see...


jueves - la oreja de van gogh



Si fuera más guapa y un poco más lista,
Si fuera especial, si fuera de revista,
Tendría el valor de cruzar el vagón
Y preguntarte quién eres.

Te sientas enfrente y ni te imaginas
Que llevo por ti mi falda más bonita,
Y al verte lanzar un bostezo al cristal
Se inundan mis pupilas.

De pronto me miras, te miro y suspiras,
Yo cierro los ojos tu apartas la vista,
Apenas respiro me hago pequeñita
Y me pongo a temblar.

Y así pasan los días de lunes a viernes,
Como las golondrinas del poema de Becquer,
De estación a estación,
En frente tu y yo va y viene el silencio.

De pronto me miras, te miro y suspiras,
Yo cierro los ojos tu apartas la vista,
Apenas respiro me hago pequeñita
Y me pongo a temblar.

Y entonces ocurre, despiertan mis labios,
Pronuncian tu nombre tartamudeando,
Supongo que piensas que chica mas tonta,
Y me quiero morir.

Pero el tiempo se para,
Te acercas diciendo,
“Yo aun no te conozco y ya te echaba de menos”,
Cada mañana rechazo el directo y elijo este tren.

Y ya estamos llegando, mi vida ha cambiado,
Un día especial este 11 de marzo,
Me tomas la mano, llegamos a un túnel
Que apaga la luz.

Te encuentro la cara gracias a mis manos, me vuelvo valiente y te beso en los labios, dices que me quieres y yo te regalo el último soplo de mi corazón


Bailar en tu boca


Quiero que el aire que toco se transforme en fantasía
Quiero que la niña de mis ojos
Me diga que siente y me diga que es mía
Me baile y me ría
Me coja y se siente cuando yo le diga que el viento la quiere
Y olé!

Puedo traerte los mares
Arrancarme la piel a tiras
Quiero leer en tus ojos
Pasar una noche en tu boca perdida
Pensar que me tocas entre sol y luna
Decirle a la tierra que tú o ninguna
Y olé!

Baila en tu boca parece una locura
Cuanto más me atrevo a mirar
Más me gustas
Bailar en tu boca parece una locura
De subir a ciegas perder la cordura
Saltar al vacío
Morirme de frío
Y olé!

Quiero besar las estrellas
Tocar la cima del firmamento
Quiero tocar la guitarra
Decir con la cuerda "la niña que quiero"
Que coja y me cante cuando tenga sueño
Que sepa que tiene pa ella el mundo entero
Y olé! (y olé)

Baila en tu boca parece una locura
Cuanto más me atrevo a mirar
Más me gustas
Bailar en tu boca parece una locura
De subir a ciegas perder la cordura
Saltar al vacío
Morirme de frío
Y olé!

Que coja y me cante cuando tenga sueño
Que sepa que tiene pa ella el mundo entero
Y olé! (y olé)

Baila en tu boca parece una locura
Cuanto más me atrevo a mirar
Más me gustas
Bailar en tu boca parece una locura
De subir a ciegas perder la cordura
Saltar al vacío
Morirme de frío
Y olé!

Baila en tu boca parece una locura
Cuanto más me atrevo a mirar
Más me gustas
Bailar en tu boca parece una locura
De subir a ciegas perder la cordura
Saltar al vacío
Morirme de frío
Y olé!

Que coja y me cante cuando tenga sueño
Que sepa que tiene pa ella el mundo entero...


Wicker park - Maybe tomorrow



Scurta descriere:

Josh Hartnett este Matthew, un tanar atragator care are o slujba extraordinara si o prietena minunata. Dar chiar inainte de a urca in avion pentru a semna primul sau contract important, trecutul revine si il bantuie. Matthew da intamplator peste prietenul sau Luke (Matthew Lillard) si brusc isi aminteste de Lisa (Diane Kruger), o dansatoare frumoasa cu care s-a intalnit akm cativa ani si care a disparut a doua zi dupa ce a rugat-o sa se mute cu el. Pe masura ce povestea se complica, adevarul iese la iveala treptat.
Beneficiind de o coloana sonora exceptionala apartinand unor formatii celebre ( Coldplay, Mazzy Star, Broken Social Scene). WICKER PARK are o distributie incantatoare de actori tineri.

  • Titlu: Wicker Park - Carari intortocheate
  • Producator: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Wind and Cloud


Serialul este o poveste fantastică despre înfruntarea dintre bine şi rău. Cei doi eroi trec prin numeroase aventuri pline de suspans. Tradiţia asiatică se împleteşte cu scenele de luptă realizate cu ajutorul unor efecte speciale deosebite.



De pe la scoala…

A-nceput de ieri sa cada
Cate un elev pe strada
Si mai cad in continuare
De a tezelor teroare.
Ca au profa la romana
Ditamai vaca nebuna,
Si la mate un mistret,
O clasa ca un cotet.
La fizica si chimie,
Cate-o sperietoare vie,
Numa trei stiu ca sa puna
Si sa urle pan' la luna.
La istorie, ce sa faci,
Profa te scoate din draci,
Ca la teze si lucrari
Da note la "domnitori".
Iara aia de geografie,
Dobitoaca de cand se stie.
La civica un magar,
Vanzator la aprozar,
Vine ca sa ne invete
Ca-n guvern sunt numa zdrente.
La muzica un tembel,
Canta numa pentru el,
La desen o sclerozata,
Vrea doar opere de arta.
La latina au o ciuma,
Mananca doar matraguna,
Se uita la tine-o data
Ai cosmaruri viata toata....


Valoarea timpului

Pentru a intelege valoarea unui an,vorbeste cu un student care a picat un examen important.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unei luni,vorbeste cu o mama care a dat nastere unui copil prematur.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unei saptamani,vorbeste cu editorul unei publicatii saptamanale.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unei ore,vorbeste cu o pereche de indragostiti care sunt despartiti si vor doar sa fie impreuna din nou.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unui minut,vorbeste cu cineva care tocmai a pierdut trenul sau avionul.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unei secunde,vorbeste cu cineva care a pierdut pe cineva drag intrun accident.
Pentru a intelege valoarea unei miimi de secunda,vorbeste cu cineva care a castigat o medalie de argint la Jocurile Olimpice.
Timpul nu asteapta pe nimeni.Aduna-ti timpul ramas in fiecare moment si-ti va fi de mare folos.Imparte-l cu cei pe care ii pretuiesti si iubesti si va deveni mai pretios. 


Portraits of Iconic People of All Time

Afghan Girl

This photo was taken as part of the National Geographic “Green Eyes” project, tracking the genetic trait of green eyes passed down through the Mongols of Genghis Khan’s time. Date: 1985. Photographer: Steve McCurry, National Geographic.



Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong overcame testicular cancer to win the Tour De France for seven consecutive years. Another Leibovitz triumph, this photo illustrates exactly what the Tour De France champion’s muscles are doing when he is at work. Housed at the Oswald Gallery in Austin. Date: 1999. Photographer: Annie Leibovitz.


Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong was a jazz musician that sang vocals and played various instruments, including the trumpet as pictured. He performed solo and with other performers right up until his accidental death in 1971. Satchmo’s image was immortalized in this photo. Date: 1953. Photographer: World-Telegram staff photographer.



Neil Armstrong

An American aviator and a former astronaut, test pilot, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He was the first person to set foot on the Moon. Date: 1969. Photographer: NASA/Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.


Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. He was a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most acclaimed and influential of all composers. Date: 1820. Painter: Joseph Karl Stiele.



Marlon Brando

Brando starred in a host of movies including “A Streetcar Named Desire” and “The Wild One”. Date: 1954. Photographer: Publicity Photo for “The Wild One”, used on the poster for the movie.



Humphrey Bogart

Best known for “The Maltese Falcon” and “Casablanca”, Bogart was a mega-star in the golden age of Hollywood. The photographer who took this shot, George Hurrell, was responsible for many of the “glamour shots” in Hollywood in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Only in later years would his work be recognized as art. Date: 1938-1939. Photographer: George Hurrell.


Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon arranged a coup d’etat which brought him to power in 1799. Five years after that he crowned himself as Emperor of France. He led successful military campaigns in Italy and Egypt that bolstered his reputation. His Napoleonic Code is still being used as a basis for law in many countries. Date: 1802. Painter: Antoine-Jean Gros.




Bono’s real name is Paul Hewson. He acquired the now-famous nickname from his friend Gavin Friday, who dubbed him “Bono Vox”. Bono didn’t like the name until he found out it translated loosely to “good voice”. Bono is not only known for being the front man for the rock band U2, but as a tireless and effective political activist for causes such as world hunger, apartheid, and AIDS. Date: 2006. Photographer: Ricardo Stuckert



Al Capone

The gangster was one of the the most famous people in the US. Loved for running booze during the Prohibition and hated for his murderous tactics to maintain a stranglehold on his business. Pictured here with his omnipresent cigar.



Fidel Castro

The former head of government of Cuba, a position that he held for 50 years. Castro overthrew the US-backed dictator Batista to seize power, and only let go of it by passing it on to his brother. Castro has been alternately reviled and praised for measures that he took with the country as dictator. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Charlie Chaplin

This powerful actor not only helped to found United Artists, but set the stage for what most of us consider “comedy” to be today. Date: 1915. Photographer: Studio Photographer, Chaplin as “The Tramp”.



Kurt Cobain

An American musician, best known as the lead singer, guitarist and songwriter of grunge band Nirvana. On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead at his home in Seattle, the victim of what was officially ruled a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head. The circumstances of his death have become a topic of fascination and debate. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Mark Seliger.



His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama

The current Dalai Lama was exiled from his seat of power, Tibet by Chinese forces. He is an incarnate god on earth for Tibetan Buddhists. Date: 2007. Photographer: Luca Galuzzi.



Salvador Dali

Dali was a Surrealist artist that produced a huge volume of works that spanned film, sculpture and paintings. He also worked with Hitchcock on a dream sequence for his film “Spellbound”, which both the artist and the director hated. The artist’s famous mustache is captured perfectly in this 1942 photo. Date: 1942. Photographer: Philippe Halsman.



Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci defined the “Renaissance Man” with his inventions, art and scientific theories. This self-portrait of the famous artist and inventor was composed in red chalk. Date: 1512-1515. Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.



Charles Darwin

Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” set off a powderkeg when it appeared to scientifically establish that humans evolved from apes. Years later, Darwin is still celebrated in the scientific and broader community as a visionary that held out against religious interests in order to advance the cause of science. Date: 1883 copy of 1881 original. Artist: John Collier



Princess Diana

Princess Diana married Prince Charles and found herself divorced from him just a few years afterwards due to his persistent philandering with his current wife, Camilla Parker Bowles. Tireless in her humanitarian efforts, Diana continued to win the hearts of the British people and indeed people all over the world up until her death. Patrick Demarchelier was Princess Diana’s favourite photographer. This image he took of her was featured on the cover of People magazine after her death in 1997 and it instantly became iconic. Date: 1990. Photographer: Patrick Dermarchelier.



Charles Dickens

The most popular English novelist of the Victorian era. He was a vigorous social campaigner, both in his own personal endeavours as well as through the recurrent themes of his literary enterprise. Date: 1858. Artist: Charles Baugniet.



Marlene Dietrich

Dietrich rose from German cabaret acts to film stardom in the pre-war US. She left her native Germany for the US even after being invited back by the Nazi party prior to the outbreak of World War II due to her distaste for their policies. Date: 1951
Photographer: Publicity Shot for “No Highway in the Sky”.


Walt Disney

Walt Disney founded Walt Disney Corp. from humble beginnings as an animator. His studio produced some of the most timeless children’s movies ever and still continues to do so. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Thomas Edison

This photo of a young Edison was taken with the phonograph that he invented. He was most famous for inventing a long-lasting, practical lightbulb. Date: 1877-1878. Photographer: Levin C. Handy.


Albert Einstein

Einstein is another father of modern science. While his most famous theory is his theory of relativity, he put forward a number of new theories that formed the foundation of modern physics and paved the way for the Atomic Age. Date: 1947. Photographer: Oren Jack Turner. Second photo: Date: 1951. Photographer: Arthur Sasse.




Sigmund Freud

Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Date: 1920. Photographer: Unknown.



Clark Gable

The “King of Hollywood” in his day, most remember Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind. Date: 1938. Photographer: Publicity Shot for “It Happened One Night”.



Yuri Gagarin

Gagarin was the first human in outer space and the first to orbit the earth. He died in a training flight in 1968 and was buried within the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Unknown.



Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was responsible for getting the British to allow India to form its own government through his technique of satyagraha, or non-violence. Date: 1930’s. Photographer: Unknown.



Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo was a Swedish-American actress that starred in a number of movies from the silent film era to the “Golden Age” of Hollywood. Best known for “Camille” and “Ninotchka”. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Judy Garland

While Garland had a successful film career, no appearance of hers could even come close to “The Wizard of Oz”. Before the days of instant content access, kids would camp out in front of the TV for this feature film extravaganza, which still felt modern right on up until the 1980’s, mostly due to Garland’s masterful acting of what would have otherwise been a very two-dimensional character. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Publicity shot for “The Wizard of Oz”



Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft and a primary benefactor of the largest charitable foundation in the world, Bill Gates was one of the first tech visionaries. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Che Guevara

Ernesto “Che” Guevara Havannassa at the La Coubre Memorial Service in 1960. Che traveled around Latin America as a young medical student and came to the conclusion that the only solution for the poverty that he saw was world revolution. He was instrumental in Castro’s takeover of Cuba and was later assassinated by Bolivian forces who were assisted by the CIA. Date: 1960. Photographer: Alberto Korda.



Jimi Hendrix

Widely considered to be the best electric guitarist in history, Hendrix is known for “Are You Experienced”, his rendition of “All Along the Watchtower” by Dylan, and his version of “The Star-Spangled Banner”, along with many others. Hendrix was also one of the first artists to add effects to his music in the studio. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Unknown.


Audrey Hepburn

This press shot from Breakfast at Tiffany’s is probably the most famous photo of Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn was plucked from a ballet lineup to play the leading role in Gigi on Broadway in 1951. She became only the third actor to be paid $1 million for her role in My Fair Lady. Date: 1961. Photographer: John Kobal.



Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock was a director responsible for practically inventing the thriller. Classics such as “Rear Window” and “Vertigo” used advanced cinematography techniques to shock and scare his audiences. This image was taken on the set of Psycho, widely considered to be the greatest horror movie of all time. Date: Jan 29, 1960. Photographer: Hulton Archive/Getty Images.


Adolf Hitler

Hitler gained absolute political power in Germany through an election and subsequent political and military manoeuvres that established him as the Fuhrer of Germany. His vision of a unified Germany appealed to the wider German electorate, but the darker side of Hitler’s views and the subsequent World War II brought about a decimated Germany and his own downfall. Date: Around 1932. Photographer: Unknown.



Michael Jackson

Micheal Jackson is just as famous for his many commercial musical successes as he is for his odd and outlandish lifestyle. Date: 1992. Photographer: Unknown.



Mick Jagger

A Golden Globe and Grammy Award winning English singer, songwriter and occasional actor, best known for his work as lead vocalist of The Rolling Stones. Date and photographer: Unknown.


Martin Luther King

King was famous for his civil rights actions to bring about equality for African-Americans, including his famous “I Have a Dream” speech delivered at the March on Washington in 1963. Date: 1960. Photographer: Howard Sochure.


Heath Ledger

Ledger was a film actor that died of a deadly combination of drugs prescribed by his doctors in 2008, shortly after completing his iconic role as The Joker in “The Dark Knight”. His works included 19 films, including many awards for some of his roles. This insightful painted portrait of Heath Ledger won the People’s Choice Archibald Prize for 2008. The artist and Ledger were friends for a number of years. Date: 2008. Artist: Vincent Fantauzzo.



Bruce Lee

Scenes involving Bruce Lee’s fists and legs actually had to be slowed down through the process of shooting the film at a higher framerate in order for audiences to be able to watch him fight in some of his movies. Lee was an icon of the Chinese martial arts, particularly Kung Fu and Wing Chun. Date: Unknown. Artist: Columbia Pictures.



John Lennon

The lead singer for the Beatles enjoyed a successful solo career after the Beatles disbanded before his untimely assassination. He campaigned for the end of the Vietnam War and for peace between the US and Russia during the Cold War. Date: Unknown. Photographer: Andy Warhol



Yoko Ono and John Lennon

This photo graced one of the most famous Rolling Stone covers of all time, celebrating the famous love of John Lennon for his lover, Yoko Ono, which had been recently popularized in a “love-in” staged at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal. Date: 1980. Photographer: Annie Leibovitz.


Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was elected the first African President of South Africa in 1994, officially ending a long tradition of apartheid in South Africa. Mandela had been jailed for speaking out against apartheid until it was abolished in 1990. Date: 1994
Photographer: African National Congress.



Bob Marley

Bob Marley and the Wailers are the best known performers of reggae music. Marley was also a key proponent of the Rastafarian movement, bringing it into popular culture. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Sophia Loren

Loren’s career has spanned film, television, and even music. One of the most successful Italian actresses of all time. Date: 1986. Photographer: Anne Clifford.



Freddie Mercury

Born Farrokh Bulsara, this icon fronted one of the great “supergroups” of the 1970’s, Queen. Date and photographer: Unknown.



Migrant Mother

This photo of Florence Owens Thompson and her children was taken in February or March of 1936 in Nipomo, California. In addition to being an iconic photo of the Great Depression, it influenced Steinbeck in his writing of The Grapes of Wrath. Date: 1936. Photographer: Dorothea Lange.


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was a screen actress who died under mysterious circumstances that were officially ruled as a suicide. Widely considered to be one of the most beautiful actresses ever, Monroe was married to a few husbands, including baseball player Joe DiMaggio, and is widely rumoured to have had an affair with JFK during his presidency.

This was a scene from the movie “The Seven Year Itch”. The location shot in front of the Trans-Lux theatre in New York City had to be redone in the studio due to excessive crowd noise, but it yielded this picture. Date: 1954. Photographer: Matty Zimmerman.


This photo is another iconic photo of Monroe, this time taken by photographer Milton H. Greene, who was also her good friend. Date: 1954. Photographer: Milton H. Greene.


Jim Morrison

Morrison was the frontman for the Doors and is collectively responsible with his bandmates for godfathering the alternative rock movement. Iggy Pop used one of Morrison’s poems as the basis for his successful song “The Passenger”. Date: 1967.
Photographer: Joel Brodsky.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart composed over 600 works of music, including “The Magic Flute”. He began composing at the age of five. Date: 1819. Artist: Barbara Krafft.



Pablo Picasso

Picasso was one of the pre-eminent artists of the 20th century and a major proponent of the Cubist movement. While being shot for this portrait, Picasso could view himself in the wide angle lens of the camera and instinctively moved to place himself where he needed to be for the shot. Date: 1954. Photographer: Yousuf Karsh.



Edgar Allan Poe

Poe was an eccentric and prolific author that published some of the best horror fiction ever known. He also coined “Poe’s Law”, which was that poems should be short enough to read in a single sitting. Date: 1848. Photographer: W.S. Hartshorn.



Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley popularized a more sexually charged style of music called “Rock and Roll” that was the delight of younger people of his generation and the bane of parents who credited his style of music with demoralizing a generation.


Grigorij Rasputin

This photo of Russia’s “Mad Monk” showcases his piercing eyes. Rasputin was an unstable monk that the Russian royal family took in to heal their son, believing that he had a supernatural ability to heal the boy. Russian nobles decided to oust him through a legendary execution. Date: 1914-1916. Photographer: Unknown.



William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare produced a huge folio of work as both a playwright and a poet. There are ongoing debates as to which portraits of Shakespeare are “real”, if any. The Chandos Portrait, pictured below, is the most famous of them all. See Wikipedia for more details on the controversy. Date: Early 1600’s. Artist: John Taylor.



Frank Sinatra

Sinatra was a popular musician and film actor that was the recipient of 11 Grammy awards. During the latter part of his career he once again made a name for himself as one of the foremost acts in Las Vegas. Date: Unknown. Photographer: John Domini.



Dame Elizabeth Taylor

Taylor’s famous violet eyes are hard to miss in this photo. She was the first actress to be paid $1 Million for her title role in the movie “Cleopatra”. Since retiring from her film career, Taylor has worked to further humanitarian causes, most notably being an AIDS advocate at a time when many other celebrities shied away from the cause. Date: 1951. Photographer: Unknown.



Mother Teresa

At the time of her death in 1997, Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity organization was running 610 missions in 123 countries. Date: 1986. Photographer: Túrelio.



Mark Twain

An American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. Date: 1907. Photographer: Unknown.



Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken is a great example of a celebrity that was made even more popular through the internet in the 21st Century. While he has been in a string of movies, he is more famous throughout the Intertubes for his Saturday Night Live skit in which he demands “more cowbell”. Date: April 2003. Photographer: Mark Seliger.



See more at http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/06/100-portraits-of-iconic-people-of-all-time/